Our World Is In Desperate Need Of New And Compassionate Leadership

Nadjejda Chapoteau Uncategorized Leave a Comment

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It’s been a while since I’ve written on my blog, a few weeks ago I decided to write a new blog post. At times, I couldn’t think clearly and other times I couldn’t find the words. I thought maybe I need to do record a video as it is often my preferred way of sharing myself and even that wasn’t working.

If you’ve known me for years now or see my content on social media, you know I’m not one to shy away from social and political issues… I have and will continue to stand for and with oppressed people. What’s happening in Gaza has been heavy on my heart and mind. I want to acknowledge that there’s a lot of suffering happening in my homeland, Haiti and in other countries: The Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, and Armenia to name a few…They are all in my heart and prayers.

The coverage and witnessing the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza has been gut wrenching…I have found myself experiencing lots of emotions: anger, heartbreak, sadness, rage, despair, helplessness, and hope…Yes hope many times, as I know we are being called to show up for the creation of a new world with new leaders who are for humanity, all the lies and misinformation we’ve been told are crumbling and the truth is rising….

Our world is craving leaders who see all people as deserving of safety, justice, compassion, peace, and love. Our world is in need of truth. Countries like the U.S. and other western countries were built on lies and the irresponsible mainstream media have and continue to manipulate people. We only get to hear one side while the other side is mischaracterized, dehumanized, and silenced.

We are witnessing the consequences of the lack of truth and education as many people are silent and many are feeling confused…We’ve been fed illusions and the veils are coming off and truth is rising….

The amount of gaslighting we are experiencing and witnessing by our so-called leaders is horrible and quite frankly disappointing for many of us although not surprising….it is cruel.

As a Black Haitian American woman who stands with and for oppressed people, I have a lot of views on the longtime and on-going conflict between the State of Israel and Palestine (Israel being a settler state that has occupied the Palestinian people’s land and continues to push them out of their homeland)…most of all in this moment, I just want us to see the genocide of the Palestinian people for what it is and it isn’t justifiable…I think the attack on civilians in Israel by Hamas was wrong and a violation of international law, I also know that what the State of Israel has been and is currently doing to the Palestinian people is a violation of international law and it is committing war crimes….A ceasefire is necessary and I’m baffled by too many remaining silent and arguing that the State of Israel is just defending itself.

In addition to sharing some of the thoughts I’ve been having I wanted to share some things I’ve thought about regarding being a leader.

1. Speaking your truth

When you choose to use your voice and speak truth, not everyone is going to agree with you and it’s normal. If everyone agreed with you, you wouldn’t be true to yourself. Be true to you and trust that there are people who are waiting to hear your truth and some need it in this moment. At times it will be just for you to speak up for yourself.

2. Letting go of perfectionism

You’re not always to get things right, you’ll make mistake. It’s about having the willingness and courage to learn and make amends, taking back something you said. Make room for mistakes and growth. Let go of perfectionism. Trust me those of us who have chosen to speak up know we’re going to make mistakes.

3. Facing fear

Fear of speaking up or taking any other action in social and political issues on behalf of the oppressed is scary, I get that. I experience fear many times when I choose to do so, I just know that deep inside I must do so. My love for humanity and my value for justice and truth are what give me the courage to use my voice. What drives you to speak up/take a stand?

4. Getting clear on your core values

It’s important that as a leader you are clear on your core values. What matters to you beyond your family and friends which I know are important values, I just want you to get super clear on what do you value for humanity. What do you stand for? What is unacceptable for you? Seeing many of our current leaders refusing to call genocide what it is and calling for a ceasefire in the face of a genocide which isn’t self-defense is horrifying, beyond cruel, and unbelievable….

5. Being true to yourself

Be true to you, this is very much linked to knowing your core values. A few months ago someone who knows one of my work as a leadership coach asked me what does values have to do with being a leader? I was taken aback but then I also know how we view leadership in supremacy/white supremacy/capitalist culture. We live in a society that puts profit over people. We are witnessing leaders who don’t value everyone’s humanity. When you make a decision and take action that aren’t aligned with your values, you’ll feel off balance and won’t feel fulfilled as you’ve chosen a path that isn’t true to you.

If you’re feeling a calling to step up and lead by either using your voice or taking other type of actions on behalf of oppressed people, I’m calling on you to answer your calling as our world is in dire need of compassionate and truthful leaders who are for everyone being free to live safely in their homeland and wherever else they choose to live. All people are deserving of love, safely, compassion, and justice; it’s their birthright and oppressed people are often denied those rights.

Please remember to take a few minutes to call and/or email your representatives in Congress to ask for a ceasefire now. Here’s the link that makes it easy for you to do so, click HERE thank you.

Hello I’m Nadjejda! – Leadership & Life Coach, Mindfulness Consultant, Speaker

I’m a leadership and life coach who helps entrepreneurs who are transformative leaders/change makers find their voice, uncover their values, and show up as their authentic selves in order to be actively part of creating a world where justice and collective liberation exist.

My coaching approach is a holistic one and as one who has a coaching certificate in DEIB as well as a Certified Professional Coach on, I coach using a systemic lens. Working with me, we’ll partner on your self-discovery journey, uncover and break through barriers that have kept you from being your authentic self, and together we’ll create a concrete and achievable plan of action for you to discover who you really are, what you stand for, and begin to use your gifts to make an impact in the causes you care about.

In addition to coaching, as a mindfulness consultant I help leaders explore and find a mindfulness practice that works for them. My approach is one based on my skills as a coach and consultant/teacher, my own experience finding what works for me, and a deep belief that each of us need to find what works for us to be present and grounded.

If you’re interested in working with me as a coach, want to hire me as consultant for a mindfulness workshop for your organization or to explore your personal mindfulness practice, hire me as a speaker, ask me to be a guest on your podcast; click HERE to contact me for us to schedule a time to connect.

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