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Nad at winery photo for Love Light CoachingOne of my blog posts featured on The Hufffington Post: How Getting to Know Myself Lead to Loving Self-Love

I was featured on the HuffPost on October 6, 2017 where I was a featured expert in a self-love series by my fellow entrepreneur, Stacie Walker. I was honored to share my self-love journey which is very much linked to taking the time to get to know who I really am. Enjoy it by clicking the highlighted title above or click here!

Love Light Recipes Cover PhotoMy Cookbook, Love Light Recipes is available on Amazon!

I’m a clean eating enthusiast, enjoy cooking healthy food and am committed to empowering, supporting, inspiring, and motivating others to have a healthy lifestyle. In my book, I share my clean eating journey, food philosophy, and some wellness tips and affirmations along with a over 40 vegan and vegetarian recipes. If you’re looking for some yummy/healthy recipes and wellness tips and affirmations, you want to check out my e-book. And I’love some feedback from you as well. Click here or the link on top to review and get it on Amazon!


Light of Haiti's 1st tweet on O Magazine

Nadjejda’s Tweet as Light of Haiti’s Founder featured on O Magazine

As Light of Haiti LLC’s Founder one of my tweets was featured on O, The Oprah Magazine’s May 2014 Issue

I was inspired by Oprah Winfrey and others’ campaign, Just Say Hello which was encouraging people to say hello, greet people wherever they go and reach out to people they hadn’t spoken to in a while and to share the experience on social media. I loved it and decided to join and tweeted my different experiences and this one was featured on O Magazine. It was a great experience and I also encouraged others to join the campaign.



“I highly recommend Nadjejda as a life and leadership coach. She is a very good listener, and helped me find solutions that empowered my life and business. Together we addressed problems I was having at work which allowed me to show up as a stronger leader and improved my small business. I also gained tools that made it possible for me to express myself more in my work and relationships.” – Michelle S.

Mariana's testimonia photo

Mariana Calleja


“I had quite a revealing session with Nadjejda after a week of intense energy that was calling me to do new stuff I never thought of embracing before. It was all about becoming really public and visible in ways that involved dancing. I’ve never danced before and suddenly I was feeling a massive urge to dance it all. During our session, Nadjejda helped me see why I was feeling this and how I could channel it for my business and life. I took action that same day on live broadcasting and it felt the most empowering! Haven’t stopped feeling the good energy since. Something big clicked that day for me thanks to her guidance. A lovely, powerful soul she is!”

Sue Seely

“Nadjejda is so passionate about what she does, true and authentic in who she is, and shows a vulnerability and honesty that allows me to know I can be myself; in work, relationships, and this beautiful life. I was re-igniting my life coaching and hypnotherapy practice after experiencing a health challenge when I discovered this sparkly and joyful creature on Instagram! Dancing away and empowering women to be themselves, I quickly signed up for her Clarity and Kick-Ass Coaching Session. I wanted what she was having; to be an authentic empowered entrepreneur!
Feeling quite vulnerable myself, Nadjejda quickly understood my concerns and needs. We got right to it with laughter, joy, compassion and grace. Her natural insight and deep listening skills allowed me to move forward with confidence, knowing I had a partner by my side who truly cared and celebrated my successes. Nadjejda helped me define my niche and professional desires, create an action plan, and supported me all along the way. Nadjejda’s patience, enthusiasm, intuitive heart and patience has been invaluable. I am so blessed, my heart is so full, and I am so grateful!”

Nike Akiti

Nike Akiti

“Nadjejda has and continues to be an inspiration in helping me to not just be myself but to show up as myself. She has helped to understand what that means. One thing I would say that stands out is her generosity and example of being and doing her message😘! If you are looking for your voice and/or need encouragement then I’d say Nadjejda’s your girl!!”

Katia G.

“During the session Nadjejda helped me identify my ideal clients and how I can make sure I speak to them. Nadjejda was very kind, patient and intuitive. She brought to my awareness some limiting beliefs that might have prevented me from reaching my goals and provided helpful tips during and after the session. Since our session I was able to gain more clarity around my message. I have been able to use the tools I learned from the call both in my business and personal life. I highly recommend her services and I look forward to working with Nadjejda in the future!”

Angela Cruz's Photo

Angela Cruz

“Nadjejda’s warm, welcoming spirit, compassion for helping others, and infectious smile is magnetic.  She’s an intelligent coach, motivational speaker, but most of all a strong, independent woman who boldly stands in her truth.  Nadjejda is passionate about inspiring women to also take a bold stand to speak their truth in the most authentic way with class and dignity.  She’s inspired an introvert like me, to be more assertive and stand in my truth, sharing my message confidently.  I look forward to every interaction with Nadjejda and consider her to be more than just a great colleague, but a great friend.”

Taryn's photo

Taryn Laughlin

“I came to coaching because I wanted to make major changes in my life regarding my career and my health.  I quickly learned that Nadjejda was the empowering and supportive coach I had been longing for!  Nadjejda used her intuition to deeply understand what was going on in my life and then tailored her coaching approach to a style that would work best for me and my tendencies.  Nadjejda truly empowered me by striking the perfect balance between guiding me to have my own realizations and challenging me to step out of my comfort zone to consider different philosophies that could further enhance my life.  Needless to say, I successfully made the life changes I wanted to make!  Thank you Nadjejda!”

David Bean

“Nadjejda Chapoteau has been my coach through an exciting period as I worked to build my own coaching business. I am profoundly grateful for the way that she helped me keep focused on what mattered and encouraged me to set “stretch” goals that I then achieved. I have no doubt that I would have made less progress and made it in a more haphazard fashion without the inspiration and encouragement that she provided.”

Guerda Constant

“I always thought I can be my own coach, I knew what to do to remain positive and face life’s challenges; it worked for a while. At some point I felt that light I had was no longer there. Through Nadjejda’s coaching I was able to see and learn that forgiveness is the key to living a life where I feel fulfilled and free. I got that without forgiveness, I am not able to share my light with others and make a difference in their lives.”

Lourdes P Testimonial Photo

Lourdes Pelaez

“Nadjejda gave me HOPE!! At the beginning of our call, not sure if she noticed but I was in tears. As we moved along our conversations, she unfolded my emotions and I got some major realizations about myself, one major one was that I need to learn to love myself and I plan on learning how to do so. Trust me at the end I was no longer the same woman who got on the call. Nadjejda is that ray of sunlight on a cloudy day.”

Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop

“Nadjejda’s  life coaching is wonderful! She brought her beautiful spirit, generous heart, and life coaching expertise to our Free Minds  members, (young men recently home from prison) and made a big impact on their life outlooks. She was able to engage them in a way I hadn’t seen before. Nadjejda provided a safe and supportive environment so our members felt comfortable to share their emotions and experiences. They gained insight into their own values and how they connected to their life plan. It was incredibly empowering for them. We look forward to more life affirming sessions with Nadjejda!”

“Through private coaching with Nadjejda and being part of her Facebook group I learned tools that have been helpful in helping me make positive changes in my life. Nadjejda is a great listener who listens to you openly without judgment. She is also helpful in working on how to effectively work on inner issues. I learned that I need to focus on what I wanted. She also taught me more effective ways to use affirmations. Her Facebook group has been helpful in providing support and positive messages as I work through improving my personal life. She ran a self-love challenge and I am already noticing how I’m talking to myself. I hope to gain further from her coaching.”
Divya Goel