Life is ebb and flow and allowing ourselves to accept this is important. Many times I’ve taught my clients and people in my life it is okay to not be in a great place all the time and to allow themselves to feel their feelings and not numb them. This topic is particularly important for me to talk about especially if you read my last blog post about getting out of our own way in order for your desires to be manifested.
Too often we don’t allow ourselves to feel all our feelings especially those like sadness, anger, resentment, pain and frustration. Especially since we are bombarded with people telling us about the law of attraction, manifesting our desires and feeling like it’s already there and I’m part of this bunch as well. 🙂 However, this does not mean you don’t allow yourself to feel those feelings. They need to be felt just like all your other feelings as they too shall pass. Recently, I found myself feeling stuck, sad, and frustrated about some things in my life that aren’t working out as fast the way I want them to.
My ego was telling me: “Look at you, you teach people about this and you’re not even practicing it now.” My higher self said: “It is ok for you to feel this. Give yourself that permission to sit with it then let go and teach others about it through your blogs, coaching, workshops and conversations.” That is exactly what I’ve chosen to do. I allowed myself to feel my feelings at the time and trusted they will pass. My daily prayer and meditation practice help me get through these times.
Here are three tips that I’ve used to allow myself to feel all my feelings and let them go:
1. Give yourself permission to feel all your feelings
It’s totally fine to feel the way you do when you’re sad, upset and angry. There’s nothing wrong with your feelings and many times they are indicators for needed growth, something you need to learn and make changes. Welcome them as they are also your teachers. Numbing them would be a disservice to you and those around you. Often when you don’t allow yourself to feel your feelings, you may end up getting sick later because they’ve been bottled up or one day you blow up. Feeling your feelings is healthy and the opposite hurts you. I’ve had to deal with some bottled up anger from my past that I never expressed or acknowledged as I thought it was bad to do so. It took a bit of time to work through this and I’m happy and can experience more love and peace in my life because I allowed myself to feel it and let it go. Remember, whatever you resist will persist. Trust and know that the feelings will pass as you allow yourself to feel them. Have some alone time, write in your journal or/and talk to someone you trust. Practicing yoga has also been a great tool for me. Getting on my mat brings me to a place of acceptance and peace. These are times when extra self-care is very important. Do what makes you happy and brings you a sense of peace.
2. Surrender your feelings to a higher power through prayer and meditation
Prayer and meditation are very powerful tools you can use to surrender your feelings to God, the universe or whatever name you use for a higher power. When you have faith that there is a higher power that works alongside you that you can turn to and wants the best for you, you know that you are taken care of, are divinely protected and being guided. A powerful mantra I got from Author and Spiritual Speaker, Gabrielle Bernstein that I use many times is: “I trust this. I release this. And I ask for whatever is of the highest good for me and for the world.” This mantra has allowed me to surrender my feelings of fear, anger, frustration and resentment. I’ve learned through a course in miracles that God/Spirit will not intervene unless you ask for help. Praying and meditating send a signal that you are willing to see things differently and you’re asking for help. You can also use this quote from a course in miracles as a mantra in your prayer/meditation: “I am willing to see this differently.”
3. Make a promise to yourself to not wallow in feelings that don’t serve you ultimately
While it is healthy to feel all our feelings, certain feelings like anger, resentment, blame, frustration won’t serve us in the long run if we hold on to them for a long time. I know I am love and light and I want to share my love and light with everyone I encounter. Therefore, I’ve gotten that holding on to certain feelings for too long won’t serve me as they will prevent me from showing up in the world as who I am. I’ve given myself the permission to feel my feelings and at times I’ve said to myself, “Ok, I’ll allow myself to feel this for a day or a few days, I’ll pray and meditate for the courage to let go of this in order to move forward and be love.” Not easy, I know. I’ve found that choosing to feel love feels a lot better than being angry or upset. I can even feel the difference in my body.
Try this exercise: Take some time and notice how you feel when you’re upset and angry vs. when you’re feeling great and experiencing love, peace and ease. It can be as simple as thinking about someone you’re upset at and notice how you feel when you think of them or someone else with love. Becoming aware of the way I feel has helped me choose what works for me and my well being.
Feeling all our feelings, surrendering them to a higher power and letting them go especially those that don’t serve us allow us to move forward, live fully, show up as our authentic selves and experience all the love, joy and peace the universe has in store for us.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and please share how you’ve allowed yourself to feel all your feelings, thanks. As you know, I coach people in this topic and others I’ve talked about in my other blogs; please reach out to me if you think you could benefit from my services.
Love and light!