Episode 53: Having a safe space to share myself makes me feel seen, heard, and supported. – Soulful Conversation with Nadjejda Chapoteau In this episode I share about the recent reminder I got regarding the importance of safely guarding our gifts, purpose, and dreams based on an experience I had. This is something that is very important to do and …
Doing It My Way with Nadjejda Chapoteau
Episode 48: Doing things that are aligned with me allows me to experience freedom, creativity, ease, and flow. This week’s episode features yours truly, me the host of Soulful Conversations with Nadjejda, Nadjejda Chapoteau. In this week’s episode I shared myself vulnerably on some of my reflections that led to me choosing to do things my way from now on …
Self-Care and Courage with Alisa J. Green
Episode 37: Every woman has a story, it’s not how you tell it, it’s how you live it and how you give it. – Soulful Conversation with Alisa J. Green Alisa J. Green is a human being born out of love with two beautiful children and two beautiful grandchildren. She is a working entrepreneur with about five months before she retires with …
16 Ways to Not Give a Fuck In 2018
I’ve been told I’m someone who doesn’t give a fuck/care much about what people think about me and live my life fully. I agree and I must admit I wasn’t always like this. It took me a while to get there and it’s a conscious, daily, and often moment to moment choice I make. And like everyone else, I experience …
We Always Attract What We Need with Nadjejda Chapoteau
Episode 32: “I always attract what I need whether it’s an immediate blessing or one in disguise and for that I say thank you!” – Soulful Conversation with Nadjejda Chapoteau This week’s episode features yours truly, Soulful Conversations With Nadjejda’s host, Empowerment and Confidence Coach, Speaker, and Spiritual Teacher Nadjejda Chapoteau. I’m passionate about dance, social justice, spiritual growth, love, …