Law of Attraction and White Supremacy with Alexis P. Morgan and Siobhan McAuley Part 1

Nadjejda Chapoteau Podcast 3 Comments

Episode 39: “The determination to outwit one’s situation means that one has no models, only object lessons.” ― James Baldwin. Soulful Conversation with Alexis P. Morgan and Siobhan McAuley Part 1

Alexis P. Morgan is the pole-dancing, sword-wielding, democratic socialist, on-the-low-heaux sorceress you’ve been warned about. She makes her cheddar as a professional writer, facilitator, artist, ritualist, and priestess. Devoted to Truth, Justice, and Liberation, she lives in the spirit of her foremothers before her: Unbossed. Unbought. Unbothered.

Alexis is dope and she’s always open to invitations to talk and have conversations on other podcasts. If folx find her on her personal profile, she asks that white people only *follow* her – not friend her. BIPOC are welcome to send her a friend request if they have mutual friends.

Siobhan McAuley is the Founder + CEO of Stirring the Soul Consulting, a values-based business that champions women who want to do great work in the world, make shit that matters and help others along the way. A former 6 figure business owner in the overcrowded online coaching space, she pulled the plug on her $20K/month dream business in order to realign her work with what she valued most.

Now Siobhan teaches other women how to do the same because she believes that the body of work that our life represents does not require us to sacrifice our values to be compensated for the contribution that only we can make to the world.

This week’s episode is a special one as it’s my first time interviewing 2 guests at the same time so bear with me and it’s on a thought-provoking topic. I think we did really good for a first time. 

To celebrate Black History month; I’ve chosen to feature black women only this month on my podcast and while Siobhan is white, I chose to share the episodes where she’s one of my guests along with Alexis because I appreciate her wanting to understand us, our history, and being willing to be a part of the movement to make women of color’s voices heard. 

During this week’s conversation which was inspired by a FB post by Siobhan McAuley on spiritual bypass in the online space, law of attraction, and white supremacy. I was both intrigued and related to Alexis P. Morgan’s comments on that post and this is when I chose to bring this conversation to my audience through my podcast and asked them to be my guests, happy they said yes. Both Alexis and Siobhan spoke their truths which are based on their own research of this topic. 

I had a lot to learn on this topic and am still learning. I must admit some of the conversation was hard for me at times even as a woman of color. I’m all for having hard conversations and giving people a platform to speak their truth. I believe in speaking to one another because this is how we can understand one another and transform our world. 

This topic is presented in 2 episodes, this is the first one and next week I’ll share the second episode. I hope you’ll keep an open mind as you listen.

Enjoy our thought-proviking and soulful conversation below and share your thoughts with us in the comment section below; we’d love to hear back from you! If you found this helpful, please share it thank you!


You can connect with Alexis and Siobhan and find out more about them through their websites and social media pages listed below. You may sign-up for their newsletters by visiting their websites.

Alexis P. Morgan’s Websites and Social Media Info:



Social Media:


Siobhan McAuley’s Website Info:


Love and light 🙂


P.S. If you enjoyed our conversation and want more, subscribe to my e-mail list by entering your info in the box below in order for you to receive Soulful Conversations With Nadjejda’s weekly episodes and other tips and inspiration from me in your inbox. In addition, you’ll also get my free gift which is my 7 Questions to Help You Reconnect with Yourself and Have an Aligned Message in Your Business. 

Comments 3

  1. This was frequently a confusing conversation because it sounded like it was critiquing the Law of Attraction, then proceeded to express the ideas of LoA. Not the misunderstandings that are often conveyed about LoA, but the actual teachings as they’ve come from Abraham-Hicks. I suppose there must be different versions of LoA I’ve not been exposed to.

    As a channel, and person of color, I can confirm from my own experience how the Abraham-Hicks teachings on LoA resonate with both what I channeled myself before I ever heard of LoA, and what I have experienced in applying it and teaching it to people of color.

    Just as the guests in this broadcast stated, one doesn’t source what they need outside themselves. The challenge is to realize that we already have what we need within ourselves and that our ability to experience it outside ourselves depends primarily on being able to experience that “enoughness” and inner resourcefulness BEFORE it is externally expressed. That’s the core concept behind “attraction.” That which is like unto itself is drawn, meaning you can’t use lack to achieve enoughness. You must first generate the inner experience of enoughness before you can experience external circumstances that evoke that feeling naturally.

    Additionally, I find a great deal in LoA about connection to others. It simply isn’t by mandate but rather by coming into fuller experience of our truth. We are each the source of knowledge for ourselves. We are each channels. They say this again and again. When we channel for ourselves, we discover that our genuine concerns are for the good of all because we are experiencing ourselves through that broader lens instead of through a lens of personal insufficiency, vulnerability and neediness. It’s not a theoretical value system. It’s simply noticing what is there, what we simply do value, and then desiring solutions accordingly.

    I mean, I really could go on and on, but essentially, what the guests were describing as their take on what LoA could be is in fact what LoA actually is.

    The fact that some people can use fragments from a theory to serve their egoistic goals doesn’t say anything about the theory. People have used ideas behind every thought system ever known to serve their own aims. So while it is certainly worthwhile to draw distinctions between the true teachings of LoA and the perversions or misunderstandings of it, and also highlight how this can especially be problematic for people of color given the mental training on personal insufficiency we are inundated with from birth, I think it is important to be clear that you are not critiquing LoA.

    Whether you think of it this way or not, your comments are critiquing the misrepresentation of the LoA teachings, not what is being channeled by Abraham-Hicks and others, myself included. This is very important to clarify so as not to put people off to a vast storehouse of teachings that hold a tremendous amount of liberating power within them.

    1. Hi Indigo

      Thanks for your thoughtful response. I agree with what you’re saying in large part however this is one part of a broader discussion. The issue we were focused on is less about the practices themselves and more about how they’re being used, specifically by white women (and the white men they’ve learned the practices from) in the online space. Out of context they tend to be applied as pie in the sky magic, which as someone who makes a living teaching them to others would seem to be a concern for you I would imagine. While the theory of LOA is useful we have a responsibility when we know better to ensure that others are using the practices for more than just their own gain. Otherwise, they fast become the tools by which entire systems of oppression function and thrive on.

    2. Post

      Hi Indigo,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, they are greatly appreciated. As you shared this isn’t a critique of the law of attraction as I too believe in it. I chose this topic because of the way LOA is being taught by many in the online space and are using it as a way to practice spiritual bypass which them hurts others and is full of privilege. I also thought it was a good idea to bring in Alexis P. Morgan and Siobhan who have done research on this. I get that as one who teaches LOA, you may be concerned about it. However, this was brought for a light to be shade on some of its origins and teachings. I believe in people including myself speaking their truth and I respect others’ truth even if it’s not aligned with mine.


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